Challenges and Adaptation

New challenges requires adaptation, all is changing, laboral relations, environmental protection, technology, risk management and social responsability.

Nature is simplicity, pragmatism and evolution, geologist as other scientifics understand these concepts very well .

In a changing world, we must evolve or die with the past.. Our grandparents evolved from Shaft and Sublevel Mining based on human effort and animal traction to mechanized mining with best and safety work conditions.

Now is time to see the future and create value through holistic model between companies, communities and the environment. The Mechanized Mining of the 20th century must evolve to a Productive, Humane and Sensitive Model commited to protect the nature and its communities.

At GES Mining we share the vision of mining leaders who do not make greenwashing, NGOs, Governments, Communities in general, and mainly of those who have no voice (animals and plants). Please read our proposals in our website: Our Vision

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Ave. Hidroeléctrica Chicoasén # 17113

Col. Los Portales

Chihuahua, Chih, México


C.P. 31183




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