Focused in Create Value of the projects with Environmental Sustainability and Social Responsibility. Keeping the best of old school through sensitive analysis of Structural Geology, Stratigraphy, Field Mapping, Geochemistry and Mineralization Controls with NI43101/JORC Compliance, and, the best of new technologies, as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Geophysics, Remote Sensing, Dron Geophysics and Survey, Special Analysis and Implicit Modeling and Geo Math.
Technical Reporting, Due Diligence and Financial Analysis (VPN, Sensitivity, IRR, etc.) from early exploration to mining operations, including PEA and PFS, as defined the codes NI43101 or JORC.
Our reporting is clear, concise and complete, the assumptions are well identified and data verified (including bias and uncertainty). Ethics, Transparency and Honesty.
Aims to maximise the value delivered from Mine to Processing. Ore Control and Reconciliation, through Mine and Geology personalized procedures, principally, high quality data collection and QAQC, mineral resource and short-term mine geology, geological modelling, mineral reserves conversion, NSR, short-term to long-term mine planning, blasting, loading, hauling and stockpiling to feed the processing plant are key for a productive mining operation, who is making money for investors, partners and communities.
Extensive experience with Project Management and Procurement, including, budgeting, scheduling, permitting, risks analysis, legal, surface contracts, etc. GES Mining experts have been participating in all the mining regulatory stages from early exploration to mine closure, our extensive network granted to clients the access to reliable services and contractors supervision, efective dialogue with NGOs and Communities, and the most important, total transparency and zero-corruption.
GES Mining is always working in minimize the environmental impact, achieving procedures to protect people, water, soil, air and biodiversity. Since ten years ago we were applying several environmental procedures now mandatory in new mexican laws. We work together with authorities and communities looking commitments to assure the present and future wellness.
Our strategy is based on avoid hidden costs related to false donations or social assistency for tangible and transparent Sustainability Expenditures accordingly the production rates and transparent financial analysis presented to shareholders, real partnerships with neighbors and communities, water availability research, environmental baselines before portable drilling, effective monitoring of operations, recommendation of exclusive UG Corridors in zones of high biodiversity, and, total respect for those who are living and protecting the environment by generations, mainly First Nations Communities.
Estimation of Mineral Resources is crucial for exploration projects and mining operations, a reliable estimation secure financing and compliance. It is prior to Mine Design and Planning, furthermore, this estimation is continuos during all the LOM. Estimation is based on the geological knowledge of the orebody (Structural features, lithological controls, geochemistry and geophysics, etc.) to define a Geo Model, also, the data base information from sampling, exploratory, infill drilling, density, geotechnical, alterations, etc. Estimation and its categories are a fundamental process in the industry through analyzing information to define the quantity, quality and size of mineral deposit.
Mineral Reserves are economical estimation from tonnage and grade contained in a Mineral Resource, then it would be economically mined and processed. Mineral Reserves consider modifying factors (mining, processing, metallurgical, environmental, financial, legal, etc.) and is related to prefeasibility study (PFS) or feasibility study (FS) accordingly the CIM Definition Standards. Economical material contained must demonstrate a positive NPV. GES Experts can support you with analysis of modifying factors, optimizing and sequencing to reach a properly Mineral Reserves Conversion.