What sets up apart from others is just the diversity of skills and expertise derived of years working in the industry, we are real miners offering real solutions for Environmental Sustainability and Social Responsability. 



Before Free and Informed Public Consultation with Indigenous Communitires was requisite in Mexico, GES staff was already carrying out similar procedures with the Tarahumara governors in the Sierra de Chihuahua.


A mining project must be an opportunity for regional development, like nearshoring or government infrastructure. Our community proposals are based on:


1. Mining must not be a preferential activity over communities and other economical activities, since it is against the self-determination of people. 


2. Common practices as  donations, selective social assistency, garden and horts are important, but with deficient controls would convert in hidden costs, it is bad for communities and a nightmare for financial statements of companies, then we propose that communities be partners of the major mining company if mineral production is above 1000 tpd Underground or Open Pit, therefore, they will receive a proportional payment between 5% and 7.5% of the profits after taxes generated by the operation.


3. The mining company must first carry out an Environmental and Hydrological Baseline Analysis (ELBAH) similar to EIA (MIA) for exploration and delineate the impacts for a posssible future exploitation until closure,  this study will indicate with transparency the vulnerable areas of the communities and the strategies for prevention, protection and mitigation.


 4. With the preliminar information from ELBAH and if it environmentally feasible, it must carry out the Free and Informed Public Consultation with the communities within the limits of its mining concessions and immediate areas of vulnerability presented by ELBAH analysis y verified by the SEDATU and Municipality. The company must defend the positive impact and clarify questions and doubts, together must define the terms, conditions and obligations that will be signed with Notary, registered in the Mining Registry and back by Court, is will yield legal certainty, including review clauses and avoiding illegal blockades of minority groups or particular interest.


5. The Company will compliance with current regulatory permits, however a change is proposal for FIFOMI's statutes, it will add an Auditory Department who will act between communities and companies to verify that the payment is fair, the company's finances remain stable and the reinvestments before taxes realized for company are necessary and they do not demerit the dividends distribution to shareholders and partners. Also, FIFOMI with support of specialized services will detect in benefit of communities, shareholders and government if the company has a proper financial background, the financial metrics are realistic and the development of the project does not represent a risk.



6. Cause mining is a high financial risk activity and the exploration stage does not generate any economic benefit for the company, even it is an economic loss, then the community will allow to carry out mining activities through the rental of affected surface, during the exploratory drilling and infill drilling, the company and community will assure through participatory mining that these exploratory activities previous a mining operation are environmentally friendly and comply with regulations, in accordance to defined in the Drilling Permit. As an active partner the communties will know that the future discovery and viability of a mining project will represent an income for them members.



7. To do this, the company, government and community would define a financial scheme similar to First Nations at Canada or communities in the Baltic Region.


8. Continues with open door policy based on a preference in contracts, jobs, income and donations as possible.



If mineral rights will be granted to concessionary with best social "promises",  we believe these promises will not be reached cause they are realized without a financial support and only 1 of 5,000 projects reach the Preliminary Economic Assessment due the several geological and economic risks, also it will yield the privatizacion by mining monopolies and it will generate corruption, actually, it is against the freedom, free market and the government control of strategic mineral resources. 


A best proposal perhaps is encourage the partnership relation between the concessionary and communities, independently if it is a particular or a company. The government once grant the mineral concession will give a deadline of one year for new concessionary present the Social License and Environmental Baseline, as defined previously.



At San Luis Potosí,  in a project managed by our experts during the first geological visit we were agree with community "Ejido"  and company of drop the mineral concessions since the water availability is extremely low and buy water concessions for dry the communities wells is not a sustainable act. Finally we give new alternatives of mineral projects to company in zones with enough water.


At Veracruz,  in a project managed by our experts, we delineated a water availability strategy based on avoid the competence with shallowest aquifer of communities dedicated to livestock and farming, also we identified the aquifer used by Nuclear Plant, then we used electrical tomography to find a deepest and independent 300 m depth aquifer, finally we identified scenarios for dams construction in benefit of local communities and biodiversity, and we explored the use of desalinization.


"Agua para Todos" Water for everybody. Define the preference of the hydric resources for Communities and Biodiversity.


As mentioned previously, during the granting of Mineral Rights and Social License, the company or concessionary must perform an Environmental and Hydrological Baseline as sensible as Environmental Impact Assessment. 


First of all, hydrological baseline must grant the Local Water Availability with CONAGUA through independent geohydrological and hydrological investigations, it will avoid the known "Water Clandestine Market", then the company (or concessionary), communities and other economical activities will have enough elements to know the water feasibility and delineate the strategy and costs for water supply and environmental protection.


Mining companies must not be compete for water resources, otherwise, they will led the efforts of conservation, recycling, subsurface water rechargement, rivers, streams and lakes protection, also it will install controlled  frecuency systems for scary away birds of tailings ponds and install several clean water access aconditioned for all type of animals in accordance with communities.


The Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua published in 2018 the "Buenas Prácticas para el Uso del Agua en la Industria Minera", or Best Practice of Water Use in Mining Industry. It is a personalized guide for mexican companies in compliance with best water management practices of Mexico, Europe, Canada and USA. 




Coming soon...


Coming soon...


Coming soon.


Ave. Hidroeléctrica Chicoasén # 17113

Col. Los Portales

Chihuahua, Chih, México


C.P. 31183

Email: hgonzalez@gesmining.com.mx 

Email: ljurado@gesmining.com.mx


Telephone: +52 614 247-2375

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